Ok, so Jack's a little young for football practice, but he's on his way. Jack turned 4 months old on Monday and unfortunately he had to celebrate by having a doctor's appointment the next day. The doctor was so surprised with Jack's size that he told me to swing by the Redskins Training Camp on the way home to have Jack measured for a uniform. He also told me that he saw a 4 month old earlier that morning and that Jack could "definitely have taken her down". I love our doctor...he is hilarious. He is the same doctor I saw when I was pregnant (yeah, I know, only in the Navy does your PCM work as an OBGYN and a Pediatrician) and it's wonderful to see him as Jack grows - we know him so well by now! The computer system was down on Tuesday at the doctor's office, so all growth calculations had to be done by hand. He calculated Jack's percentile using a paper chart which only went up to the 95th percentile. Jack weighed in at 18lbs 10oz and measured 27" long. That put him over the 95th percentile (but we don't know how far over). He has gained 10lbs, 9oz and grew 6.5" since he was born 4 months ago. It's no wonder my back and knees are killing me! The doctor also told me we can start "real" food anytime I want. He said he will leave it up to me. If Jack starts to seem interested in my food, than go ahead and start him on purees and rice cereal, but if he doesn't, then it's fine to wait until 6 months. So, eating will become a lot more fun (and challenging) in the weeks to come!
Unfortunately, along with a check up, Jack also had to get his second round of shots. He was less than thrilled with it, but pulled through like a trooper, and even started smiling at the Corpsman when he put the band aids on. He had a post-shots fever of 101 on Wednesday and was really out of sorts most of the day. But, with lots of love from Grammy and Mom - and plenty of Tylenol - he broke the fever and was all smiles by the time we went to the baseball game Wednesday night. Even more exciting, Jack got to spend most of the game being held by Daddy. He loves it when he gets to see Daddy, but right now it's kinda limited because Matt's "other kids" (the plebes) take up most of his time....but we're nearing the end of the summer and our normal schedule should be back soon.
If the last few days have helped me learn anything, it's that I need to start working more$$$. Jack is out growing his clothes faster and faster and I have to start thinking about things like a new (bigger) car seat, new stroller, and *gasp* a highchair! I've included a picture of Jack's "ouchies" and he and Matt enjoying some QT at the baseball game.
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