Tuesday, August 25, 2009
A big commitment...
Last night Matt and I went to the Naval Academy Class of 2011 Commitment Dinner. This is an evening celebrating the juniors making their 2 for 7 commitment. Basically, they are agreeing to serve for 7 years, in return for 2 more years of "free" school. This is a pretty big day. These amazing college students are making a huge decision that will have a major impact on their lives - they are agreeing to serve their country for at least 5 years after graduation. I was able to hear why many of them were choosing to sign. All had inspirational stories. We had a delicious dinner in King Hall, the dining hall at the Naval Academy. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture while we were at the table, but I did get a great picture of what 1000 mids look like going through a small doorway! Congratulations Class of 2011! I am so proud of all you have done and all you will do!
Older Women...

On Friday we had our monthly lunch with Emily and Cardin. We met at Tyson's and had a wonderful, relaxed meal at the Nordstrom Cafe. This was the first "lunch date" where Jack and Cardin actually interacted. Jack is much more interested in other babies these days. It's really exciting to see him spot kids his age and squeal in delight. He is starting to reach out to touch them too. Before lunch, Emily and I did a little shoe shopping, and apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, because the second we entered the shoe section, Miss Cardin ran up to the mirror to check herself out! :) Girl after my own heart! I put Jack down on the floor with Cardin and he didn't take his eyes off her the entire time! He absolutely loved her! This is just fine with me - having my best friend as an in-law would be awesome! I guess we have a few more years... Cardin, who has an amazing vocabulary, spotted Jack and said "Baby" while she patted him on the head. Soooo cute! This mall trip did get me thinking about Halloween costumes...what will little Jack be for Halloween?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
That's one tasty banana
Day # 3 for bananas and so far so good. Today Jack sat in his new bebePod seat and downed almost a whole container of bananas. He really seems to enjoy eating "like a big boy" and even opens his mouth for the spoon. Too funny! Here's a video of the event!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Lobsters, Clams, and Planes...oh my!
We had a wonderful weekend! It was topped off at church on Sunday when we got a blessing from my grandparents' priest for all four generations of our family!
A momentous day....
Well, I was planning to just blog about this past weekend's festivities in New York today, but Jack had another plan. Today was a day for the baby book. After the 100th time of dodging Jack's hands while I was eating lunch and wrestling my spoon away from him, I decided maybe we should start real food today. At our doctor's appointment last week he told us we can start purees and rice cereal whenever we want. I bought some rice cereal and a few containers of baby food at the store and figured I would start whenever it seemed right....and today, it just seemed right. So, this afternoon, Jack chowed down on some pureed bananas. At first he absolutely loved eating off the spoon. Then, he decided he wasn't sure if he liked how it tasted and made a lot of "gross" faces. Then, he decided he liked it again and opened his mouth every time the spoon came close. I wish I had gotten some pictures. I will try to post some tomorrow. It was the funniest thing!
Today was also the first day Jack rolled over on his own. I had a continuing education course and test I had to take online today so Jack got some tummy time on the floor next to me. He is doing a great job of pushing himself up with his arms. Every minute or so I would look over to Jack and talk and laugh with him. He was giggling and trying to grab the toys in front of him. Then, all of a sudden I looked back at him and he was on his back, laughing, and looking totally shocked about what just happened. I jumped out of my seat and ran over to him and told him how amazing he was for rolling over...and he started laughing so hard he got the hiccups!
So, today was a pretty momentous day for Jack - and we had a lot of fun too!
Today was also the first day Jack rolled over on his own. I had a continuing education course and test I had to take online today so Jack got some tummy time on the floor next to me. He is doing a great job of pushing himself up with his arms. Every minute or so I would look over to Jack and talk and laugh with him. He was giggling and trying to grab the toys in front of him. Then, all of a sudden I looked back at him and he was on his back, laughing, and looking totally shocked about what just happened. I jumped out of my seat and ran over to him and told him how amazing he was for rolling over...and he started laughing so hard he got the hiccups!
So, today was a pretty momentous day for Jack - and we had a lot of fun too!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hey Mom, when does training camp start?
Unfortunately, along with a check up, Jack also had to get his second round of shots. He was less than thrilled with it, but pulled through like a trooper, and even started smiling at the Corpsman when he put the band aids on. He had a post-shots fever of 101 on Wednesday and was really out of sorts most of the day. But, with lots of love from Grammy and Mom - and plenty of Tylenol - he broke the fever and was all smiles by the time we went to the baseball game Wednesday night. Even more exciting, Jack got to spend most of the game being held by Daddy. He loves it when he gets to see Daddy, but right now it's kinda limited because Matt's "other kids" (the plebes) take up most of his time....but we're nearing the end of the summer and our normal schedule should be back soon.
If the last few days have helped me learn anything, it's that I need to start working more$$$. Jack is out growing his clothes faster and faster and I have to start thinking about things like a new (bigger) car seat, new stroller, and *gasp* a highchair! I've included a picture of Jack's "ouchies" and he and Matt enjoying some QT at the baseball game.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
mmm mmm good....
"I'm on a boat"
Jack and Daddy got to share some QT on the boat....they don't get to see each other much these days...but it should be better when plebe summer is over in a couple weeks. Jack was intent on eating Matt's hand...and not smiling for the camera...
Happy Birthday Bailey!
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