They had a helicopter that did what my Mommy called "touch and goes" for everyone to see. Then it stopped flying and we got to see the helicopter up close and sit inside and push the buttons. It was almost as cool as a plane.
They also had about 20 different trucks and tractors to touch and sit inside. I sat in a snow plow, a bunch of tractors, a fire truck, a golf cart and the coolest was the police car.
The police man let me push the siren buttons too. The police car was my favorite because it had flashing lights and made a lot of noise.
I also got to touch all the tires, my favorite thing to do.
After we saw all the trucks and tractors, we got to see an owl. It was awake during the day! Did you know that owls say "Hoo Hoo". I've been practicing. The lady said that she was friends with this owl, but normally they are not very nice. They like to eat small animals, even small dogs. Good thing we didn't bring Hokie with us to the park today.
Today was my best day ever because I got to see real firetrucks up close and lots of trucks and tires. It was really cool!
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