Well, we are in NYC today and tomorrow hanging out with Daddy while he speaks at the Merchant Marine Academy to do some SWO - Nuke recruiting. (Thanks Derek for choosing Matt to go to NYC!) We hardly ever get to NYC during the week, so while we were here I decided we just HAD to go down to the Today Show and see it live. For those of you who know me, you know I absolutely LOVE the Today Show and watch it every single morning! Here is a pic of Jack and Daddy at Rockefeller Plaza. Right before this photo Lenny (for those of you who aren't loyal Today Show watchers, he's a guy who is in the crowd every single day...holidays, fowl weather, everyday!) said hi to Jack and asked how old he is!

Well, it really paid off that Matt wore his uniform down to the plaza today! We got pulled out of the crowd by a security guard and he basically stayed with us all morning and gave us a personalized tour of the entire set! We got to stand right where the anchors go in and out of the building and BE ON TV!!!!! We met EVERYONE!!!!

Meredith Vieira was the first one to come meet us. She thanked Matt for his service and talked to Jack for a minute - telling him how cute he is! Props to Grandma Ballengee who knitted Jack's hat....everyone said "what a cute hat!" After our photo with Meredith, we were escorted inside, onto the set and we were able to stay on the set while they had a live segment on - about Michael Jackson's stuff that was going to be auctioned off. Meredith came over and talked with Jack (and us of course) for like 5 minutes. She grabbed his feet and made him smile and laugh! And if you watched the Today Show this morning, during that segment...and heard a little baby squealing, that was Jack! We quickly left when he got vocal! While we were watching that segment, we met two Biggest Loser contestants. Then we went down to the Green Room to see where everyone gets primped and beautiful and met Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser and Sandra Bullock! As Sandra Bullock walked by us she looked at Jack and said "Oh, what a cute baby! I love that hat!". Then we walked over to the control room and saw the craziness that happens in there (we were inside, so cool!) during the live show.

After our venture inside, we went back outside and were able to watch a few more outside segments and get our picture taken with Al Roker.

And another picture with Ann Curry. Ann shook our hands and gave me a hug!!!!!!!!!! She is absolutely the NICEST person! Ann and Meredith are nicer than I could have ever imagined. Meredith talked with us and played with Jack for the longest time. And, after this photo, Ann (who, by the way, is still in the middle of taping a LIVE show) took us inside again with her, took us back to the Green Room, sat us down, showed us where to get a coffee and a bagel and made sure we were comfortable and told us to sit in there and watch the show where it was warm. I was totally blown away at how incredibly sweet everyone on the cast and crew were! The security guards asked all the stars to come over and take photos with us and put us in situations where we had the experience of our lives! Almost all of the people on the crew had been in the military at one time or another and we got to learn all about their time (or their kids') in the service. Everyone thanked Matt for what he does...really sincerely too. The security guard we were with, Phil Hughes, was a retired police officer. He has been with the Today Show for two years and said it's the best job he could ever have - except for getting up early and being a little cold in the winter! He told us to come back any time we are in the city...and I think we will!

While we were meeting with Meredith, Jack grabbed her script from her and started playing with it. I managed to wrestle it away from him after a few minutes and handed back to Phil, the security guard, thinking Meredith might need it back. After a couple minutes, Phil came back over to us and handed me back the script....Meredith wrote Jack a personalized note on her script. Hopefully this picture is clear enough to read. I can't even begin to tell you what an amazing morning we had....a chance of a lifetime! Really! Even if I wasn't a faithfull Today Show watchers already, I would be now. Everyone was SO NICE! They definitely didn't have to treat us the way they did....especially being so busy....but everyone (and I mean everyone) on the set took time to say hi to us, pose for photos, and give us an amazing NYC trip! No wonder they are the #1 morning show...they are just as sweet in person as they are on TV! As soon as we got back to the room (after a Starbucks run of course), Jack immediately fell asleep....I mean, who can blame him....nothing can top this day...might as well go to sleep now!

In case this isn't clear, it reads " To Jack - Matt Lauer better watch out! Jack is a real pro. Actually the two have something in common. Matt wears diapers too, and cries when he's sleepy. All the best, baby xoxoxo Meredith Vieira"
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