Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sometimes it pays to hang out with someone in uniform...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Seattle and Song
A week with Grammy and Pop
Matt and I spent last weekend and a couple days this week in Seattle with the Naval Academy's Men's Glee Club - on their fall tour. While we were gone, Jack and Bailey stayed with Grammy and Pop and I think they had tons of fun! Here are a few pictures and excerpts from the emails Jack sent to Matt and I while we were gone!
Hi Mommy and Daddy,Hope you are having a good time but I miss you. I had a good day withGrammy and Pop today. I got up about 7:15 (I didn't want to go to sleeplast night and I cried really hard for like 20 min. Grammy stayed in my roomuntil I fell asleep.) I had my bottle then a little later Grammy gave mesome delicious pears. I played in my baby Einstein then Grammy and I playeddown on the floor. Grammy and Pop got me a new toy. It is like driving acar with a key, and steering wheel and buttons to push and a thing thatmakes it sound like I am driving really fast. It has lots of lights onit... I took only a 2 hour nap today and I didn't want to do that so I criedwhen Grammy put me in my bed but I guess I was tired as I finally fellasleep. After I got up I ate some broccoli and squash then we went to thedog show. It wasn't a big show. Just lots of different dogs. We saw aNewfoundland, 2 Irish wolf hounds, a great Dane, a Burmese mountain dog,beagles, a bunch of terriers, a big bulldog,an affenpinscher, a Brusselsgriffon ( he looked mean but was very nice), some kind of spaniel. Wedidn't see the Cavalier though. Grammy took my picture with one of thebeagles. He was very friendly and funny caus' his tongue just hung out ofthe side of his mouth. The lady said it was because he didn't have anyteeth. I don't have any teeth but my tongue doesn't hang out. Hmmm.... Hetried to kiss me. We looked at the great big bulldog. Grammy squatted downwith me on her knee. The bulldog was trying to sit in Grammy's lap. Grammyhad to carry me around because we couldn't take the stroller in the areawith the dogs. There were a bunch of other little kids like me there.There was a girl named Lily. She is a little older than me. She reallysquirmed around when her mommy was holding her. I sat very still. I triedto hold her hand but she wouldn't let me. There was another boy older thenLily and he could walk some. I want to do that.... Grammy didn't want tostay for the tour of the house because I was too heavy to carry around soinstead I got back in my stroller and we walked down to the dock. It waskind of a blustery day. Grammy had my football sweater on me and wrapped theblanket around me. When we got home Pop was raking leaves. I had anotherbottle and played more down on the floor. Pop put me in my bed for a napwhile Grammy fixed her dinner. When I got up we played some more but I washungry so I had cereal, pears and yogurt for dinner. Yummy. While Grammyand Pop ate supper I was in the big chair eating cheerios and I put somedown for Bailey and Cory. We were playing on the floor again. I liked hearing you talk to me tonightafter my bath. I was smiling when you talked to me. I am kinda tired Mommyand Daddy so I am going to go to bed. Hope you like the pictures of all thedogs we saw today. You can call me tomorrow and talk to me again. I loveyou very much. Jack
Hi Mommy and Daddy,Thank you for your email. I am glad you are having a good time in Seattle.Grammy forgot to check to see if we could see the Glee Club at the Seahawksgame. She was going to look but forgot until 4:10. Hope they did a goodjob. Grammyand I played a lot. After my morning nap Grammy, Pop, and I took Bailey for a walk down theroad. Bailey got tired and has been sleeping all the time since then.
After our walk I got to play in the leaves in the front of the house. Itwas fun having Pop let the leaves fall like rain on my head.

Later on I gotto play on Pop's computer. Some how I logged Pop off.... He doesn't knowhow I did it.. I'm not going to tell:) Grammy and I did a lot of playing on the floor today. I am getting used to sleeping here and I am not crying as much now when I gofor a nap. She is okay.Well I have to go to sleep. Hope you have fun tomorrow. I miss you. Love you, Mommy and Daddy,Jack

Hi Mommy and Daddy,
It was a really nice day today. Nice and warm. Grammy and I took Bailey for a walk today and he has been a good boy. After we took Bailey for a walk we went to Kinder Park and I got to see the animals again. The Hokie birds kept talking to me and they made me laugh. Grammy made the rooster sound and I thought that was funny too. The cows and the goats were too far away. The big pig talked to me with funny grunting noises. We then took a walk along one of the paths for a little way then we stopped at a bench and Grammy gave me a bottle. I didn’t want to take my second nap so I was kinda fussy tonight. Hope you are having fun. I love you and miss you.
Love, Jack
PS Grammy forgot to take her camera with her today so there are no pictures. Remember, I go to the gym tomorrow.
It was a really nice day today. Nice and warm. Grammy and I took Bailey for a walk today and he has been a good boy. After we took Bailey for a walk we went to Kinder Park and I got to see the animals again. The Hokie birds kept talking to me and they made me laugh. Grammy made the rooster sound and I thought that was funny too. The cows and the goats were too far away. The big pig talked to me with funny grunting noises. We then took a walk along one of the paths for a little way then we stopped at a bench and Grammy gave me a bottle. I didn’t want to take my second nap so I was kinda fussy tonight. Hope you are having fun. I love you and miss you.
Love, Jack
PS Grammy forgot to take her camera with her today so there are no pictures. Remember, I go to the gym tomorrow.
Here fishy fishy
Fall Harvest Fest
Halloween Party with Grammy and Pop

Here Jack is sitting with one of the instructors.

"Jack" 'o Lantern
Pumpkin Patch for a Cause
The Monday before Halloween, Daddy took the afternoon off and the three of us went to pick out Jack's first pumpkin! We went to the Pumpkin Patch at St Martin's Lutheran Church in Annapolis - all the proceeds benefit the Lighthouse Shelter for the Homeless in Annapolis. I think most people see Annapolis as a very effluent city, but we do have a very serious homeless problem too. So, we were able to have some fun, get our pumpkins, and make a difference in the community, all in one afternoon!
There were just so many pumpkins to choose from. We finally settled on a small one that Jack was able to hold (and pick out) himself, and a big one for the front porch that Daddy had to carry. But, as you can see, Jack was WAY more interested in the straw on the ground...isn't that how it always is?
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