For some reason, fall always means "a new year" to me...much more than January 1st does. Maybe it's the very noticeable change of season. Maybe it's the crashing halt in your schedule from the fun, carefree days of summer to the hectic schedule of the fall. Maybe it's just lasting memories of school starting - a new class, a new backpack, new clothes, a new teacher.
Everything feels fresh in the fall. The crisp, clean air of the fall replacing the heavy, sticky summer heat. And, this fall was no different for us.
Ok, I know it's not technically fall yet...but Labor Day has come and gone, college football is approaching it's second weekend and my neighborhood is already sporting Halloween, to me, it's fall. This fall will also be a fresh start for me with the blog. I took a mini summer vacation!
Most of you know that we moved from Newport, RI to Norfolk, VA in July. We enjoyed a wonderful week long vacation with Matt's family to the Outer Banks, followed up by the whirlwind month of August trying to find a daily routine. We did capture the memories in photos...check them out on
I've given myself some "new year" resolutions of course...I want to make some fun new things to sell on
Etsy and I want to pick up my weekly mileage...a lot! I signed up for a 10k on Halloween weekend. I know a 10k doesn't seem like much, but getting back to running has been a slow process for me and I'm excited to have a goal in my sights! Next year I'll think about the "m" word :)
What a busy week for us. My sweet baby turned 1 yesterday (and I turned 31 - which I have decided sounds a lot worse than 30), my big boy started preschool, and my even bigger boy checked onto his ship this morning.
Emma and I had a double princess party (something I told Matt we were going to do before I was even out of the OR the day she was born - as soon as I knew it was a girl!). We decked ourselves out in matching tee's, tutus, and tiaras. It was a wonderful affair and we want to thank all of our amazing friends for attending, especially those who drove (or flew) from far away!

Jack started school on Wednesday. He is going to preschool 3 days a week at a local church. His class is nice and small - 10 kids - and he has two wonderful teachers, Miss Debbie and Miss Kelley. We thought our first day would be uneventful. Matt had the day off and we walked him in to class together. He ran straight into the classroom and never looked back at us to say goodbye. But, when we came to pick him up, we learned that he did a lot of crying that first day.

Today was Jack's second day, and almost the opposite. As we pulled into the parking lot, he told me "No Preschool". But, he was a bog boy and walked in with me. There were a lot of tears when I left. But, when I came to pick him up, Miss Debbie told me the wonderful news that aside from first thing this morning, there were NO tears today! He even received a "Good Apple" award and a smiley face on his hand for his excellent behavior today!

Even more proof that my little toddler is starting to grow up, as soon as he gets home, he walks in the house and takes off his shoes and socks, and sets them on the stairs leading up to his room.

Speaking of shoes, Emma got her first "real" (as in I will probably walk in these) shoes today. Of course she has baby shoes. You know the kind, they sneeze and the shoes fall off. But, with my little cruiser starting to take more risks between couches, I thought it might be time to let go of the summer bare feet and start the fall with some shoes.
We are all looking forward to another wonderful year - a wonderful "new year"...with our new ages, new schools, new houses and new jobs....and maybe our new shopping lists that include no size 6 diapers :) A girl can hope, can't she!